Goal Setting for the New Year

It's the most wonderful time of the year! 

It's also the busiest. And for many it's the most stressful.

Y'all. It is a whole, whole lot to navigate school in December. Add on top of that any family or social responsibilities and you're probably feeling a little run down these days. 

Annndddd do you TPT? If you do, this is probably a time of year where you're trying to give yourself grace for not finishing things on time. 

Breathe. It's ok. Enjoy the moments with family. Your business and all of the work it comes with will be here when you have more time. 

And when that time comes, you may feel like you need to get re-focused on your goals and vision for your business. 

I've got your back, friend. I was trying so hard to be focused on the goals and drive behind my TPT business, but I was doodling notes on so many random pieces of paper, I couldn't keep up with my thoughts and ideas. I created a TPT seller workbook based on all of those goal setting sketches and doodles in my notebooks, and now I can keep everything in one pretty binder. Check it out!

This workbook is helping me cultivate my vision for my business, and I am noticing such a difference in my productivity with what I need to do mapped out day-by-day! I am so excited about this workbook, and I hope other sellers like you find it valuable!

Happy goal-setting!

XOXO, Stephanie

Pssstt...Don't forget it, Pin It!


How I Changed My Mindset and Learned to Love Teaching


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