Building Class Community from a Distance

What wild times we are in, huh?

Distance learning is upon many of us…and it looks different everywhere. Different platforms, different expectations, different technological access of your students. It’s a challenge for all of us, and it’s been difficult to help each other when each person is processing and approaching this so differently.

Just wild times.

The hardest part of all of this, is of course the kids. We miss them. We don’t know if we will see them again before they have been graduated to the next grade level. If we do get a shred of this school year with this group, how many weeks will we get?

I don’t have a class this year. I run The Simple Classroom full time. But my class last year was so special to me, it would have broken my heart wide open to think I may not see them again before they became third graders. I quite literally would have been heart broken. My heart goes out to all of the educators feeling this way right now.

My friend Briana and I wanted to find a way to try to build classroom community from a distance. We have collaborated to create Digital Learning Coupons as a way to build closeness with your kids!

Here’s how to use them:

  1. Upload the reward menu to your digital platform. (When you purchase this product, these come as jpegs, so they are easy to upload to the digital platform that you’re using…Google Classroom, Class Dojo, etc.)

  2. Assign point values to the assignments that you post for students to do. The more points they earn, the closer they get to unlocking a reward!

  3. Once individual students, or your class, unlocks a reward, you can post the coupons to show what reward they’ve unlocked! Redeeming instructions are included, and you can edit the coupons, menus, and instructions to best fit your needs!

Watch the video below to preview the digital learning coupons:

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This is an example. To display your Instagram posts, double-click here to add an account or select an existing connected account. Learn more


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